Friday, November 7, 2008

Our New Backyard!

My mom has been here helping this week and I must say that Mom's are the greatest invention ever! If there were an award for best Sod layer, my mom deserves it. Yesterday the rock was brought in and we now have a complete backyard. We are so excited and things are finally starting to feel like home. This is a before picture. I had planted seed but it just wasn't looking like it was going to work, no matter how much we watered it. The yard was complete dirt before I added the bougenvilla bushes and palm tree.

After! We still have a canopy to put up tomorrow but I would say not bad for 2 weeks into the house! It's made the world of difference to have a backyard!

1 comment:

King J, Queen M, Princess E and Princess M said...

Yay for Grass!! I wish we had some for our kids to play on. The kids are still a little freaked by the watch out for snakes and scorpions talk we had to have with them when we moved in. With all these trees and forest we had to make sure they were aware. But they don't seem to be getting over it.