Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Good Weekend So Far!

So Matt had half day of work yesterday and he has Monday off! I am so excited to be able to spend extra time with him. After he came home yesterday we helped the kids with their chores and then we took them to Walmart to rent a redbox movie. We had our friend Annmarie out to watch movies. She is a fellow Hanjin transfer and has become a very good friend of mine. She and I get together to have movie nights. She ended up spending the night because we watched movies until really late. Today She and Matt and I all hung out and worked around the house. We have taken it really easy. The funnest part of the day was when we pulled the pool out and let the kids swim! Can you believe that! Swimming in January! It was in the mid 70's and we were too hot playing outside so out came the water. The best part was that the water coming out of the hose was warm and so the kids had a blast! I will post pics later. I am so excited that we still have tonight, all day tomorrow and Monday to be together! I love having my hubby home!


King J, Queen M, Princess E and Princess M said...

Swimming?? That is awesome. Maddie has been begging almost daily to pull our swimming pool out. But we have been in the teens here. That is great, and I am glad you found a friend. :)

Lynnette said...

That is so great Aubrey! Remember when you came that summer and you spent time in the kiddie pool with my kids!?!??! That was fun!