Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'm only one me today...

Oh my goodness...Today has been such a sucky day! It started out well. Claire stayed home from school because she threw up last night and so we slept in a little bit. After we were up and Ivan was off to school we showered and then sat down and read library books. We haven't sat still and read books for a while and it was so nice. Everything went downhill from there. It was just one of those days where one of me wasn't enough. The children refused to listen and obey no matter what I did and so I just ended up screaming a lot which I hate to do. Just a lot of anxiety today. I feel so much pressure to get everything done. I feel like I am responsible for not only the household but all of the little tiny details as well. For instance, my husband has been looking for his diploma. That's right, his college diploma. Most people would keep that in a very safe place. I had it in one but he took it out and did not put it back and now he keeps asking me where it is. Why I ask is this my responsibility? I know I should help but I feel like I take on everyone's problems. I have to keep reminding myself that not everything is my problem. I do it with everyone, not just with my husband. A friend comes to me to vent and I immediately take it on as my problem and try to solve it. I just have to breathe and breathe and breathe. Oh and I think I might take up drinking (ha just kidding, we can't afford it).

1 comment:

Emily said...

Days like that completely suck. I've had a few myself lately. I guess the best we can do is just hope that tomorrow goes better. Love ya!