Here is Nora at 9 1/2 months, still small enough to bath in the kitchen sink. She loves it! She splashes and laughs. She is getting so big, as you can see she is starting to climb up on things. She has even gotten herself into a standing position a couple of times. We are afraid it might not be long before she is walking.
Here is the first picture I think we have of all three of the kids together! There is good reason for that, they fight constantly so we keep them as seperated as possible! Alone they are each wonderful but as a group they are deadly! Matt has had them pretty much to himself this weekend while I sleep and try to recover. There's something to being drugged all the time, you don't know what mahem is going on around you :).
This weekend was a very unusual one for the Garff household. On Thursday I came down with what we thought was appendicitis. I originally thought it was gas. By 6pm I was in a lot of pain and crawling around the house waiting for my husband to get home. When he did he took me straight to the ER because what I was describing was much like what he felt when his appendix burst. The doctors at the emergency room ran every test you can imagine many of which were very uncomfortable and they could not find the source of the pain I was having. So they sent me home with some medication and said to come back if it got worst. Needless to say it got a lot worst by Friday morning so we went back. They ran some more VERY uncomfortable tests and then decided it would be best to admit me. I had started throwing up by then as well so they knew I wasn't faking. :) It was decided that surgery would be the best option, so they went in for exploratory surgery. They took out my appendix while they were in there but were still unable to discover where the pain is coming from. So we are on to more doctors and specialists but at least this surgery is over and I am home. I don't remember a lot of what happened over the last three days but here are some pictures of the pretty work that they did on my belly. Ignore the stretch marks and keep in mind I have had three children in 4 years. In other words pay no attention to the FAT!!! You can also see from the bruise on my arm that the nurse didn't exactly know what she was doing when she put in the I.V I have a bruise much like it on the other arm as well!
I have recently started working in my home. I do daycare and currently have 6 kids all day long. 3 of them are mine though so I can do with them as I want! ha ha. Come summer we will have 2 more join our crew. I also have my sister in law Kirstin but she is a good help with the kids. On Fridays we get to have her stay at our house late and we get dinner and watch movies. It has been a great learning experience to have her in our home. It is so crazy with the kids but we have some great kids. Here we all are playing.
This Christmas was a little different for us but probably one of the best we have had since our little family started. We had some of our best friends come from Norway to stay with us and celebrate the holiday. Ellen and Ethan were a welcome addition and we were so sad to send them back to Norway after the Holidays. We spent Christmas morning at home and Santa definately found our house this year. It was a most awesome day. Nora had no idea what was going on and was completely excited to go back to bed after a breakfast consisting of wrapping paper and pine needles. Here we all are looking our best at 6:30am!