Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Well, we finally got Claire into preschool here. Her teacher is a woman in our ward and has been teaching preschool out of her home for 2 generations now. I was shocked when I found out that preschool is over 100$ here but today I found out why. Claire came home with a workbook and a big art project and she has her own set of everything, crayons, pencils, you name it. She had a great time and I think it will help her adjust better. She has had a hard time. Every other day she cries and tell me to call the people in Tooele and stop them from moving into our house. She also has some friends 2 doors down and we all go to the park almost everyday. It really helps that the park is one block away. Their mother is really nice and she comes with us. It helps to have someone to talk to. She is a stay at home mom and has 5 children. There is a 10 year age gap between us but we have a lot in common. It is starting to feel a little more like home now. I haven't felt homesick since Saturday which is a huge thing for me!


Lynnette said...

Aubrey...your home looks real nice. I love the back yard!

King J, Queen M, Princess E and Princess M said...

Millie found her photo album that Miss Bodine gave then at graduation last year. She was in tears the whole rest of the day about how much she misses her teacher. She said, I need to get on an airplane right now and visit. I miss her so much.

I am glad Clair has something to look forward to each day.