Saturday, April 3, 2010

This Day Is Fired

I am so exhausted. We started the day off very early, picking up our van from the shop and returning the rental car that we had. On the way home from dropping off the rental a tire on the van blew. Not only did it blow, it shredded! I am very thankful that we did not roll the van. Matt and I just laughed. We laughed about it all for a good half an hour because we don't know anyone that has crappier luck than we do! I spent the rest of the afternoon preparing for an Easter Egg hunt with our neighbors which the kids really enjoyed but my friend and I were exhausted by the time it was over. I came home this evening and as we were preparing to give Ivan a bath and change his dressings I noticed that his TB skin test is round and red and slightly raised...I called the doctor and it's back to the office on Monday for another appointment. I can't believe how exhausted I am. I have always been tired when I have a new baby but I can honestly say that this has been too much. I know that the Lord does not give us more than we can handle but I must say that his faith in me is a little grandiose at this point because I'm not sure I can handle this. My whole body hurts tonight. I feel like I have been hit by a truck! This day is FIRED!

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