Thursday, November 29, 2012


So the last week has been so long and extremely difficult.  I kicked off the Thanksgiving holiday by breaking my foot the night before!  I forgot how to walk off a curb and fell instead, rolling my foot which allowed the tendon and ligament to pull the bone out of place and then fell right on it to solidify the injury!  I freaked out!  I wasn't at home and so I limped into my car and drove home with my left foot.  I got home and called Matt from the car and sobbing I told him to come out to the car because we needed to go to the hospital.  We could see the bone poking out of place and I knew it was bad.  It's a displacement fracture which means that the bone may or may not move back into place.  I will be in a boot for about 6 weeks and it hurts.  Thank goodness for lortab.  We still had a great Thanksgiving.  We spent it with our housemates family and we had a good time. 
I have been missing AZ a lot lately.  I miss the group of friends that I have there.  I just don't have that here.  I used to but most of my friends have either moved or their lives have taken on much more responsibility as mine has.  I used to have my person but things just aren't like they used to be and I don't think I will find that kind of friendship again.  I have been nurturing a new friendship but I've decided that I'm just needy.  You only find that one friend outside of your spouse that is "your person" and once you've  had that it's hard to settle for anything else.
I've been spending a lot of time with my two youngest and I love it!  Naomi is getting so big and Nora is loving being home schooled.  I just need to delve myself into my kids and put everything else on the back burner for now.

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