After a weekend with the flu, today turned out to be a welcomed change. I was finally feeling better today. I realized that a lot of the reason that I have probably been down lately is that I have been sick since January. It has really been hard on me but today was a good day. We were able to get out in the yard and do a little (and by little I mean a miniscule amount)bit of yard work. The kids played for several hours. Even little Nora was able to crawl around in the dirt and grass and ruin yet another pair of pants :). Tonight I took one of the girls I babysit for Ice Cream. She had been such a huge help to me on a particularly hard day that I promised her a special treat. We went to Cold Stone Ice Cream where we spoiled ourselves and talked about everything her little mind could think of. It was a great opportunity to get to know her better away from the hussle and bussle of all the kids. I like to have one on one time with all of them for this reason. Claire and I also had some one on one time which I really really enjoyed. This hardly ever happens but she needs it and I found out I do too. We went to a new book store that opened in town and she got to pick out a princess sticker book. She was so cute. She had a lace hair band stretched around her head like a crown and she was wearing ballet shoes. The lady who owns the bookstore said that Claire reminded her of a character from a book called "Fancy Nancy". So claire has been nicknamed that. She asked me that day as I was getting dressed if she would have "grommits" like me one day. I had no idea what she was talking about but she was pointing to my chest so you can guess what came to mind....I laughed so hard and explained what they were really called etc... Only later did it dawn on us that she was not asking about mommies anatomy, she was asking if she would be able to wear garments one day. So I gave her an anatomy lesson that was totally uneccesary for her age. I was so glad to know that she noticed though and that she wants that for herself. Hopefully her desire to go to the temple will remain with her as she gets older. Another funny thing she said this week...she is always saying she is hungry. She complained about it so much yesterday, even moments after she had finished a meal. I finally said "Claire, your tummy is not hungry, it's upset." Thinking maybe she had a touch of the flu like the rest of us. She replied "It's upset because it's hungry!" I don't know when I have laughed that hard. She is such a funny girl and so full of energy. I hope that I will be able to keep up. So these simple events have brought a little bit of sunshine to the Garff house this week.
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