Friday, June 12, 2009

Need Help

Today's psychiatry appointment for my children did not go so well. Medications were adjusted and diagnosis were made but no programs offered, no place for help or relief. My mother suggested I put the older two in foster care...I was crushed. I need some help from somewhere but looks like family is not the place to turn to.


King J, Queen M, Princess E and Princess M said...

What??? Who says that??? I am so sorry Aubrey. Hopefully the new meds and doses will help. I wish I could give you a few hours of relief.

Tami's Eclectic Corner said...

Oh HELL to the NO!! Seriously...that the?? I'm sorry. How can I help? I know I'm far away but I'll do what you need. I love ya!

Lynnette said...

What?!?!?!?!?! That makes absolutely no sense. Aubrey Im here to help where I can. You're a good mother and the Lord knows you can handle what He places before you. Call me anytime you need to talk. And that means day or night. What are families for...Love you cuz!!!!