Thursday, July 29, 2010


This week I have been working on downsizing the junk that we have in our house. I am preparing for something that some of you know about (I will not post it here just yet) and it is such a great feeling. Knowing that you are doing what the Lord wants and putting your house in order is such an awesome feeling! We are literally downsizing the entire house, furniture, appliances etc. Today I worked in the heat and cleaned out almost all of the baby clothes that we have been hoarding. I was able to give 5 bags and 2 boxes of baby boy clothes to someone in our ward and I honestly don't know if she loves me or hates me for it!
I have also had a very successful month with my Scentsy business and am feeling so great about that too. I am nervous for Matt's appointment with the neurologist but knowing that we have finally got the ball rolling in the right direction with many things in our lives is so great!

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