Sunday, March 6, 2011

Answered Prayers

Another week has passed and another weekend has flown by too quickly. I guess it's true that time flies when you're having fun. We were able to go to a birthday BBQ yesterday for Grandma Kathie and Gran B. It was so nice to spend time with our Arizona family. We have been so blessed to be taken in by them. Matt has been a little down because he is having trouble remembering things and feeling like his time with the kids is borrowed. All in all he's just exhausted. We did have a few miracles this week though! After 4 months of literally begging the surgeon's office to see him or at least call us back they did! It was a complete suprize to hear from them. They have sceduled him for several MRI's on March 11th and an appointment on March 15th. This is something we have been praying for. That same day we received a letter of approval for state insurance. Four months ago we lost state insurance which was paying all of our co-pays and saving us so much needed money. Apparently the state has been dropping a lot of people and we were one of the unfortunate families. I applied over and over and it paid off. After being denied three different times for silly reasons that ranged from not enough proof of income to lack of finger printing we were accepted. Just days before the phone interview with our case worker I was grocery shopping. I spent almost the entire time pleading with the Lord to help us get our insurace and food stamps re-instated. The day of the interview I was so sick to my stomach. I prayed again and asked the Lord to help me be as thorough as possible so that we could get our benefits back. Receiving that letter was a testimony to me that the Lord hears and answers prayers. We are still waiting to hear about our food benefits but I have faith that the Lord's will be done. And so even though we are exhausted, this week had a few pick-me-up's that made life seem somewhat easier.

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