Sunday, October 19, 2008

I'd Give Anything to be Catholic Today...

Oh good hell. I cannot even begin to describe how overwhelming it was to go to our new ward today. Don't get me wrong, everyone was so nice and many had roots in Utah. One of the members of the bishopric even had a cousin that worked for Hanjin in SLC. I never would have imagined that we would find someone in common with the people down here. Today however I really would give anything to be Catholic. I think the thing that was so overwhelming is that first we went to the wrong ward house because the meeting locator on the church's website is of no help and then when we got to the right ward house, there were a million and one people in our ward. There are not only 6 nurseries, there are 4 CTR 4 classes. It was mass chaos. They have got to build a new ward house because I know for a fact that with all four wards meeting in that building that we are exceeding the maximum capacity level. I was really overwhelmed. It didn't help that Ivan was running the halls for a good portion of the time and pulling things off of the bulletin-boards (which by the way are all scrap booked!). I just have a feeling that it's going to take a long time to get used to this kind of thing.

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