Monday, March 21, 2011

They're Still Smiling

Tonight I have very mixed feelings. I am relieved that the day is over. I am relieved that our car will not cost a fortune to fix. I am relieved that the day is over (did I mention that?). Ivan had his last day of school at Simonton today and Claire's last day is tomorrow. We have been blessed to be able to fix the van but the children are still going to change schools. This is a very emotional thing for me. I have done very well at not letting the kids know I am scared for them to change schools. Claire's teacher was very emotional today when I told her that tomorrow would be claire's last day. It made me tear up. I am so grateful for the wonderful teachers that my kids have had this year and I pray that their new teachers will be just as wonderful. I am so proud of my children and the way they have adjusted to the changes this last year brought to their lives. They have been through my horrible pregnancy, the birth of a new sibling, the temporary addition of 5 foster children, their dad having a motorcycle accident, dad having 2 major neurosurgeries, moving to a new house, neighborhood and church and now changing schools. They have been troopers through it all. They have handled this last year better than Matt and I have and for that I am grateful. They amaze me everyday. Despite the very difficult time we have had (to say the least) they are still smiling and that makes my heart happy.

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